Well folks, it’s been a little while since our last post … I mean last blog post (not that other kind of “last post”). The Poppy Campaign for 2023 is upon us and we have had two General Meetings since the Summer break.
But Branch #291 has been anything but idle. Besides the Cenotaph events (held in June, July, August & September) and the annual Okotoks Parade in June, the Colour Party was present for a Veterans invite at a Dawgs game in June and both opened and closed the Alberta Summer Games in July. August saw us hosting the Rolling Barrage, co-hosting the Chillifest & Barbeque, and our branch held it’s second Casino. On August 16th, our own Bruce LeMessurier beat the odds (67 million to one) and scored two Holes-in-One in the same round at the Nanton Golf Club!
But Wait, There’s More!
In July our branch collaborated with High River and Turner Valley branches to secure emergency funding for a Veteran in need of a specialized electric wheelchair.
And in September we presented a cheque to the Sheep River Health Trust to purchase a Mobile Aspirator for use by the Okotoks Urgent Care Centre.

At our September General Meeting, several persons received special recognition:
- Nancy and Wally Tonn received the Certificate originally given to us by the Rolling Barrage folks for the tremendous work the two of them put in, spearheading both the organisation as well as the set -up and dismantling of the site of the reception we put on for the Riders at The George on August 16th.
- Robert (Bob) McLeod was recognised with a Legion Life Membership for his tremendous leadership and commitment to the Mission and the work of the Legion since the Okotoks Branch was chartered in 2014. Bob was one of the Charter Members and has served as President in seven of the ten years in which the Branch has existed. His personal strengths and his Leadership were emphasised throughout the reading of the criteria which persuaded the National Command Council that he is a worthy recipient of the Award.
- Allan Boss was awarded the Legion Friendship Award for his very public support of the Legion’s Commitment to “Always Remember.” Allen’s outstanding contribution to the commitment takes the form of the Memorial wall on Veterans’ Way. He transformed that retaining Wall into the most unique tribute to all the men and women from Okotoks and the immediate vicinity who served this country in Uniform in War and Peace. Two phases are complete and the final phase will help to preserve a permanent and lasting legacy in the town.
- Kathy Coutts also received the Legion Friendship Award for a similar reason. Much of the work that was needed to ensure the accuracy of the information depicted on the wall, whether pictorial or other, came from Cathy’s painstaking research among the archives held at the museum or in family memories. She also contributed many more hours unearthing the necessary information for more than a few of the Memorial Banners which are displayed on Veterans’ Way and Milligan Drive during the annual Remembrance Period. That permanent Legacy of the Wall as well as the one which symbolises Remembrance are truly examples of how Canada remembers its Military History.
In October our branch held it’s very first Online Auction hosted on the Branch’s website. As it was our first, we limited to members, friends and family to test the process. I’m happy to report that it exceeded my expectations even though bidder engagement was low. Three items were at auction – a TV, a pool table, and a snowblower. We received bids on both the TV and the pool table. No one bid on the snowblower (and looking outside today – that may have been a missed opportunity).
The Poppy Pinning ceremony took place at Town Hall on Monday, October 23rd, so we are set to kick-off the campaign on November 1st.
Well that’s it for this Blog post. A little longer than some. Hopefully there won’t be as long an interval until the next one!
8 thoughts on “In Case You Missed It …”
Very well done and a great summary of events. I know these reports take time and great effort and they are appreciated.
Thank you, Ian!
Brent, you have surpassed anything that we have asked of you with the website. This is truly a tremendous tour of what we have been about over the past months with much more to come of course with Poppy, Remembrance Day, Poster and Literary Contest and the remaining Bursary Awards to be decided followed by Elections of a new Executive Council. Thank you for all your efforts.
Thanks Malcolm, I appreciate your comments. Perhaps these future events might spark a new Blog post down the road!
Thanks Brent, your Blog is great and your information appreciated.
Thanks Dana, we aim to please!!
A fantastic Blog Brent. Great information. Shows what one organization can do, to contribute to the community. A lot of hard work by you and the members of Branch #291 will appreciate the Blog. Very impressive. Thanks
Thank you Bruce. It is a privilege to contribute.
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