Feel the Need to Reach Out?
Contact Us
We Look Forward to Hearing from You
Please send us your questions or comments.
Royal Canadian Legion
Okotoks Branch #291
PO Box 937 STN. Main
Okotoks, AB T1S 1B1
(403) 879-5978
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Contact the Web Design Team
If you have any questions or comments about the website or have a feature request, you can contact the Web Design Team (Mandie or Brent) at any time by emailing admin@okotokslegion.ca or by filling out the below form.
Legion services for Veterans and their families are always free and you do not need to be a Legion member to benefit from these services. BUT, sometimes it’s hard to open up about issues. That’s why we have a dedicated Branch Service Officer who will treat ALL information provided both Confidentially & Competently and have provided you a separate Contact section to reach the Service Officer directly.
Service Officer Information
Name | Bob McLeod |
Phone# | 403-603-8842 |
serviceofficer@okotokslegion.ca |