- & Linda Clements
The 2021 – 2022 annual Poppy Campaign is nigh upon us. This year marks the 100th year since the Poppy was officially adopted as the symbol of Remembrance by the Legion in Canada.
2020, and thus far in 2021, we have seen the ravages and effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the world. Canada was not spared its wrath and the Royal Canadian Legion was no exception either. Scores of Branches across Canada came close to closing their doors permanently, sadly, some have while others remain on the brink.
It is only through our membership, the dedication of our volunteers, and the support of our community here in Okotoks, that our Branch #291 has sustained and weathered the storm.
We are one of the youngest branches of the Royal Canadian Legion and that is only due to the foresight of our Founder, Malcolm Hughes (one of the few recipients of the Palm Leaf – the highest award an ordinary member of the Legion can achieve) who saw the benefits a Legion Branch could have on our Veterans and community here in Okotoks. (You can read more about his award here)
In spite of the Pandemic, the citizens and business community of Okotoks rallied to generously support our 2020 – 2021 Poppy Campaign. Through the many Poppy Bins local businesses allowed us to place within them, our Poppy Tables at Costco, Walmart and Sobeys and donations from individuals and businesses, Branch #291 raised $103,370.10.
Throughout the year, the Okotoks Legion has worked hard to use those funds to aid Veterans, their families and local funding initiatives. The following is a list of where your very generous donations have gone in the past year:
Veterans Hospital Parking Passes
Student Poster & Literary Awards
Student Bursaries
Alberta/NWT Command – Service Officer Funds
Memorial Wall
High River Hospital (Special Bath Funding Request)
Foothills Country Hospice (Track Lift Systems Funding Request
University of Alberta HIMARC Program (PTSD Equipment Funding)
$ 480.97
$ 1,825.00
And our latest:
Sheep River Health Trust (Medical Equipment Funding Request)

Photo courtesy Krista Conrad/Okotoks Western Wheel
The Royal Canadian Legion Okotoks Branch 291 wishes to thank all of you and asks again for your generous support in the upcoming 2021 – 2022 Poppy Campaign beginning on October 29th.
Thank you for this Brent. What a great asset you are to this Branch and the Veterans of Okotoks by maintaining this aspect of our efforts to assure our Citizens that we are indeed working hard to fulfil our Mandate to support Veterans, Youth, Seniors and others in our town.
I can’t take all the credit. Our own 3rd VP, Linda Clements, was the impetus for this Blog Post. She provided the meat of the Post, I merely formatted it and tweaked a few things prior to publishing it to the Web.
Great Brent keep it up
So well expressed – thank you Brent. I echo your expression of the significant contributions Malcolm has made creating and furthering our Branch and contributing to our Okotoks community .
Super job Brent!!
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